The Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Pre-Stain

door hangers porch leaners pre-stain Feb 23, 2024

Let's chat about jazzing up your wood or MDF (medium-density fiberboard) painting game. Ever wonder if pre-staining is worth the fuss? Spoiler alert: Yep, it is!

Picture this: You've got your wood or MDF boards ready, but before you dive into the fun part, consider giving it a little pre-stain. 

The Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Pre-Stain

 1. Smooth Sailing with Paint: Pre-staining sets the stage for your acrylic paint to shine. It's like giving your canvas a spa day, ensuring that paint sticks like glue with less hassle.

 2. Buttery Brush Strokes: Glide into painting bliss! A pre-stained surface means your brush dances effortlessly, giving you more control over those artistic flourishes.

 3. Paint Saver Mode: Because the stain seals the wood and prevents it from soaking in the paint, you'll find that you use less paint overall, saving you both time and money.

 4. Weatherproof Armor: Protect your masterpiece from the elements! No one wants their hard work to fade into oblivion after a rain shower. Pre-staining acts as a shield, keeping your art looking fresh come rain or shine.

 5. Sleek Finish: Let's talk aesthetics! Pre-staining adds that extra oomph, giving your artwork a professional, polished vibe that's sure to turn heads.

Don't Make the Same Mistake I Made

When I first started tried pre-staining wood, I just grabbed the first stain I saw on the shelf of my local hardware store. Unfortunately, I grabbed an oil-based stain. Oil-based stains and acrylic paints? Not the best of pals. Make sure you grab the water-based stain if you’re painting on top with acrylics.

Curious to see pre-staining in action? Check out my video replay for some handy tips and tricks.

So, is pre-staining a must-do?

While pre-staining does add an extra step to your painting process, it’s definitely worth it! Just make sure you allow a little time to apply the stain about an hour to dry. You’ll love how it feels to paint on pre-stained wood, and the finished result will be fantastic!🎨✨

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